Trinal, Inc. was tasked with facilitating and administrating a virtual workshop which specifically connected individuals seeking career opportunities into the railway and general building construction industry with union representatives working on the Chicago Region Environmental and Transportation Efficiency (CREATE) Program. The CREATE program is a partnership between the U.S. DOT, State of Illinois, Cook County, City of Chicago, Metra, Amtrak and the nation’s freight railroads. CREATE will invest billions of dollars in critically needed improvements to increase the efficiency of Illinois’ regional passenger and freight rail infrastructure.
The workshop was hosted by the CREATE Program partners to educate participants on the various career pathways into union construction career opportunities on the 75th St. CIP and other relevant projects. The workshop informed the attendees that many of the contractors that will be working on the CREATE project will be signatories to the various unions and the educational and financial benefits offered through pre-apprentice and union apprenticeship programs were discussed. See the attached “Union Construction Career Pathway to the Union” Presentation.
Union Construction Career Pathways Workshop #1: How to Get into the Union